Alexius Tschallener

Composer | Music for Media | Orchestration

Mánáid-tv - Samisk barne-tv on NRK Super/NRK3 (Norway)

Heroic music in Mánáid-tv - Samisk barne-tv on NRK Super/NRK3 (Norway)

„Abendschau - Bayerisches FS (Germany)

House-Track „Models on the Dancefloor“ in „Abendschau“ on Bayerisches Fernsehen (Germany)

Incredible Crew - Cartoon Network (Time Warner, USA)

Action music in „Incredible Crew“, Episode: Super Duper Gross Things, on Cartoon Network (Time Warner,USA)

RBB um Sechs - RBB (Germany)

A charming piano-track in the news show on RBB (Germany)

Adventure Film Festival of Paris

In collaboration with Dominik Johnson I composed the music for the trailer of the Adventure
Film Festival of Paris 2013 (France), powered by Planète+

Bildschirmfoto 2013-03-23 um 15.33.25 (2)

Happily Never After - Discovery ID (USA) 

A Latin dance track in Happily Never After, Episode: Devoured by Love, at Discovery ID

Endless Yard Sale - HGTV (USA)

A relaxing-track in „Endless Yard Sale“ at HGTV (USA)
Pasted Graphic

Bahnorama - BR-alpha (Germany)

A chill-out track in „Bahnorama“ on BR-alpha (Germany)